AFS' Approach


AFS' expertise and technology enables us to provide the tools you need to keep your affairs in good standing. We will sit down with you to understand your immediate and future goals and points of pain. Working with our network of professionals, we creatively solve problems on your behalf. We provide you options and solutions to achieve your goals and put them down in black and white. Dependant on your objectives, we meet with you on a regular basis to discuss your progress, and at that time, we clearly and concisely report on your financial status.


In the face of your busy lives and this world of complex financial planning and reporting, AFS sets a new standard for providing clarity and control around your expense management and portfolio reporting. Our financial tools produce personalized and customized expense management reporting, consolidated investment performance and asset allocation reporting, and financial statements.


Additionally, AFS' secure and safe technology archives your important estate documents so that at any point in time, you or your family may access in one place your overall estate picture, finances and financial intentions.



AFS is in one business – to be YOUR family office. We do not accept compensation from investment managers. We are not part of an investment bank. We do not sell proprietary products. We are ONLY paid by you!